So, I left all the boys home to go to Young Womens on Sunday. Ayden was downstairs watching a show, and Grady was upstairs with Colton. Now, anyone that has a 2 year old will know that you have to actually check on them every once in a while...
So today was busy.
We woke up early and drove to the hospital for Kristy's induction appointment. They got everything hooked up, but it seemed like it sure was taking a while. Then, all of the sudden the nurse checked her and said "Let's get the doctor in here and get started." About 30 minutes later, we said hi to Colton Kimball Stoner.
He weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and measured 20.5 inches long.
I've attached a few pictures we took (we cut Kristy and break and didn't include any of her after delivery). We'll get some better pictures up soon!