Santa's coming to town!
Busy... Busy... Busy!
The New Bloggin' Machine - Special Grady Post

Kristy's been suffering through a very slow Sony VAIO for the last couple of years (my fault for not reformatting it and starting from scratch). I bought the computer before we were married, so it's almost 6 years old and we thought we were probably due for something a little more with-the-times.
Ayden's owey
So, we had a sad accident about a week ago. We were at Grady's office and Ayden was super hyper. He kept running and we kept telling him to stop. Of course, it didn't do much good, and he ran, full speed, right into the corner of their conference table. Now, this is not ordinary table. It's a big piece of steel covered with a sheet of glass. The glass sticks out about 2" from the steel. So, needless to say, it's not very childproof.
So, he hit it pretty hard and went straight down. It was very scary! We were just glad that it missed his eye (barely) and he didn't need any stitches. The really sad thing is he had pictures the next day. It was nice and bruised for them. :) (These pictures are a week after it happened)
Thankfully he's doing great now! He's pretty proud of his owey (spelling?) and was really funny and posing for me! I love my little dude! (Oh, and the scratch under his other eye is from a different day. He's a little accident prone)

Halloween Decorations
Halloween Memories

Playing in Photoshop
Witches Night Out!
Happy 2nd Birthday Ayden!
So, my baby turned 2! I can't believe it! It was actually on Friday night, the night of our Halloween party, so we celebrated it on Sunday. I know! I'm such a mean mom to have our party on his birthday!

I tried to get crafty and make him a Thomas the Train cake. Sadly, it didn't really work. By the time my frosting was grey and black, it was VERY runny from all the food coloring. Oh well! Do I get points for effort?

We invited Ayden's cousins over for a little party. It's much more fun watching 10 kids unwrap each present instead of just one :) It was madness, but I LOVED it!

By the end, he really had the hang of it. All caution was thrown to the wind!

As you can see by the mid "Choo Choo" sentence, Ayden LOVES trains! Especially Thomas! Which is really quite interesting since the cartoon is the most boring thing I've ever seen!

Ayden would like to say Thank You to everyone for his great gifts! He's very spoiled!
Halloween Party
One thing I've wanted to do since we got married is have a Halloween Party. Sadly, it hasn't been possible the last 5 years due to a VERY small space or having a baby :) So, this year it was finally possible and I'm glad to say that we actually went through with it. It was a lot of work, and a CRAZY week but it turned out REALLY good and was so much fun! Those of you who couldn't make it, no worries, if all goes well, this will become a yearly tradition for the Stoners!

My funny son...
So, my little man has been making me laugh so hard lately! I'm sorry I never post, life is just crazy! But, I'm nervous that I'll forget all these things if I don't write them down. So, here are a few from lately.
1- He has these new words... First off, he REALLY thinks that he's saying the right word, but he's way off!
CUPPY- for pumpkin. ??? Where that came from I will never know. At first it was pummy, but apparently that was too close to the real word. :)
IPER- (The i is a hard i) for spider. He doesn't say his s's so this isn't a huge surprise.
GABBY- for garbage. And, everything that looks like garbage instantly is garbage and must be placed directly in the garbage. If I try to take it out, he'll put it right back in!
2- He's calling ALL babies PARKER. He will still say baby if I really try, but for some reason now, babies are Parker (his little cousin). Also, every single kind of drink is WATER. He does like juice and milk and chocolate milk, but they are all still water to Ayden.
3- He has started hanging on EVERYTHING! It's like he's so proud to be able to reach things he has to show me. He tried hanging from the door nob the other day and it just turned in his hands and he landed on his knees and hit his head on the door. It was pretty funny.
4- He has a new saying that is the cutest thing in the world, my heart melts every time I hear it. "Looka mommy!" He has to show me everything and gets so thrilled to show me and have my approval. It's not as good since you can't hear his cute little voice.
5- He's started wearing my high heels. He still likes wearing all my and Grady's shoes, but for some reason he has really taken to the pointed, high heel ones.
6- He loves apples and will eat them any chance he gets. Here is the funniest picture of my fruit bowl and how I found it. Normally he brings me the apples before eating them and asks, but this time he apparently helped himself.
5- He's becoming very OCD! Oh, no I'm rubbing off on him already! He has to set all his toys up in rows. So cute!
Baby news!
So, we went and got our ultrasound yesterday...
Here are a few pictures. The baby was moving like crazy! It must be related to Ayden :) So, there is bad news and good news...
BAD: The baby is measuring small, so they are thinking that my due date is 2 weeks behind. SAD! I'm only 17 weeks instead of 19? That sucks!GOOD: Even though the baby was so small, they were able to tell the sex. IT'S A BOY! We are sooooo excited that Ayden is going to have a little buddy! This is also going to take a LOT of stress off of me. I don't have to touch the nursery, I get to save a LOT of money on clothes! Plus, they will be best friends, right!?
My Vacation

She recently had a baby and I just had to meet cute little Quincy! She really is a great baby! She gets a little fussy at night, but overall she just slept the whole time.
Since Ayden has the best bed-head ever after naps, Erin said "This just has to be documented". Didn't she do a great job with the picture?
We went down to Seattle and checked out Pikes Place. It was pretty cool to walk down the market and see all the fresh fish and gorgeous flowers! The pictures are of the kids checking out the "Big Boats" in the water.

The kids just played and played! Ayden's a big fan of new toys, so he pretty much was acting like they were all his and Carson couldn't play with any.
Ayden's only like 6 months older than Carson so they played pretty well together.
Oh, wait... except the fact that Ayden is a bully! Poor Car was so scared of him! My stinker of a son is so in his terrible 2's!
Of course it took like a million shots to get the cute one of us on top! You always need to document the funny ones in the process!

Lake Powell
Went boating...
Enjoyed the beautiful nights with the water as glass and the amazing sunsets.
And built the Parker tradition sand castle.

Finally time for me to do this...
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
I'm back!

Ayden has recently discovered trains and is obsessed! So, we took him to see the Heber Creeper.
We went to the Kamas Demolition Durby. Which was AWESOME! I've never been and I just loved it! That's for sure going to become a tradition if I have anything to do with it.

Also, some good news, we're pregnant! YAY! But, it's been a bit of a bummer, cause I've been REALLY sick! So, when Ayden is napping, I haven't really had much desire to get on the computer. I've been sleeping every spare opportunity I've had. (I'm only 10 weeks along)

And, lastly, we ran the 1/2 Marathon down Provo Canyon on Saturday! It pretty much killed us (mostly my joints from all the down hill), but hey we finished! I'm so glad I have a cute husband that will do crazy things like this with me. I don't know if I would have ran the whole thing if it wasn't for him to help push me. (sorry we didn't take any pictures)

I'm getting more pictures ready right now... so check back later.