Guess everyone was right... He looks like Grady! Thanks McKell for the idea.
Goodbye Snow!
So, our back yard is almost completly snow free. As happy as I am for it to be sunny and warm outside, we sure did have fun this winter!
This was one random day, all Ayden wanted to do was be outside, so I took him boarding down out backyard.
Guess that's one nice thing about having a steep yard. He was loving it! He kept making me do it over and over again for him! By the time we (I) were done, my calves were pretty sore. Check out how wet Ayden is! He He! What a nerd! He has no fear, that's for sure!
What we've been up to...
Grady's parents took us all to the Kangaroo Zoo in PG! Not only did me and Grady have a blast, but Ayden was in heaven! He is such a dare devil! We took him on all the little kids things at first. But, once we took him on the big slide, he didn't want to go on anything else. It was awesome! He would go down on his stomach, his back, even head first, and all with no fear! Even though in the pictures he looks pretty scared.
He wanted so badly to be able to climb by himself!

So, Ayden got a tent for Christmas and every once in a while I'll put it up for him. But, lately it's become a perminante fixture in our front room. (since we took most of the furniture down stairs there's plenty of room :) He loves playing in there! All of his stuffed animals have moved in and almost all the pillows in our house. We even read books in there together.

I've been bad...
I'm so sorry, I've been really bad a blogging lately. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel like I had anything to say. That, and the fact that I'm hardly ever on the computer, cause Ayden now knows when I'm on the computer he can turn into "The Destroyer". Seriously! He just runs a muck and gets into EVERYTHING he's not supposed to. It's like he knows that I tune him out, which I do! :)