For Colton's 2nd Birthday Party we had a monkey cake and I made some cute grass cupcakes to go around the cake. This gave it the affect that the monkey was in the grass. I saw this cute picture of these grass cupcake wrappers that were cut out with a cricket. Since I don't have a cricket... I decided to do it all on my own.
First I got a template from Skip to my Lou
here. You can do it that way I did it and print it and trace, or you can do it digitally and print your own, if you have a good printer. You could always take them to a place like Alphagraphics and get them printed on a good quality printer. I might have to do that next time.
Step one: I cut out the template slightly bigger on top, so the individual grasses would overlap the cupcake slightly.
Step two: cut lots of jagged corners into the top side, giving it the grass affect. This step does not have to look perfect, in fact, the more crazy the better.
Here is the final product before applying to the cupcake. (yep, not very pretty or neat, but no one will notice)
My 4 year old, Ayden, helped me cut out 3 or 4 of them, and he did a dang good job! It was a fun project to do with him. Anytime scissors are involved, he's all in! I just drew a quick zig-zag design for him to follow.
The FINAL product! For the cupcakes I used a larger round top and made individual spikes to try to make it look like grass as well. Since it wasn't the main showcase, they were just a perfect backdrop.
I've also been thinking these would be super cute for easter with some eggs or bunnies on top of the grass! Here's a challenge for all of you, to now get creative with the outside of the cupcakes as well! :)