
Max's Blessing

Like true Kristy fashion, I'm posting pictures from 2 months ago :) Sadly, I just don't have much time to dedicate to editing pictures and blogging. Grady was able to bless Maxwell, and it was a beautiful blessing! I'm so glad he is worthy to do this for our sweet baby! Max did great! And we were able to share the day with our wonderful, supportive family, and a few great friends! Thank you everyone that came and supported us!
The complete 'Stoner Family'- Me and all my boys!
Stoner, Parker and Jorgensen Grandparents, along with my sisters Angie and Amanda, and my cute Peterson nieces! (Ashley gets the girls and I get the boys :)
Some of the decor. Sadly, it was WAY windy and blew a lot of my decorations away from outside and I ended up not using a bunch. But, you get the idea.


Karenin Jaar Robison said...

kristy you are beautiful and so talented.
love the blessing decor!

Lacey said...

your family is so cute and hello your decor is amazing! you are so good at parties! seriously!

Ashley said...

I love everything you do - you make parties so fun. I think 2 months after the fact is pretty awesome!!

Unknown said...

I want to meet my little cousin so bad!

Amanda said...

Kristy I think we should re-name you "Super Mom". Love you, Max and all your stoner boys.

NA said...

Oh so cute! I love the name Maxwell. I hope life is going great for you. Are you guys coming to the Parker Christmas party?

English Escorts Brockton said...

Nice bloog you have