Our little family!

Colton is all blurry, but this is how Ayden smiles when you ask him to, and I just had to show you all!

Grandma & Papa Stoner

Grandma & Papa Parker

Great Grandma and Papa Jorgensen

Colton's baby blessing was on Sunday. Graydon gave him a beautiful blessing. He blessed him with so many wonderful things! I'm so grateful to have such a happy, healthy baby. We also have such great family who support us in all that we do. Life is good! Now, if I can just get my butt into my clothes...
He is such a little stud!!! I feel your pain, I feel like I am going to be in drawstring pants forever...P.S. I will be in Utah in JUne, we need to hang out a bunch!!!
LoVE the photo's... sorry we couldn't stay to contaminate your house!! You guys are great and you have such a cute family!
Oh man! I'm sad we missed the blessing. We were in Idaho for a baby blessing for my nephew who is 2 days older than Colton!
What a darling, growing family you two have. Congragtulations again on a healthy, happy baby.
You look so good!! I can't wait to see your new little one in person one day! Congratulations on you both being so healthy and happy. Love ya!
You crack me up. I have been running more lately, want to run with me?? Cute cute family pictures!
You guys are such a CUTE little family. I can't believe how fast Colton is growing. The last time I saw him he was only a few days old at Brock's farewell. At this rate he'll be walking before I see him again!
You guys are such a CUTE little family. I can't believe how fast Colton is growing. The last time I saw him he was only a few days old at Brock's farewell. At this rate he'll be walking before I see him again!
Colton is just gorgeous!! And btw- so are YOU! You look fantastic, the clothes will come soon enough. What a special day!
Wow Kristy! Now I know why I haven't heard much from you lately...I didn't realize that you had another baby! That is fantastic. We are expecting boy #2 also. Yay for boys. :) Your family is looking as cute as ever.
P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an extra little comment here too... I get lots of points for extra blog comments... I am trying to win this awesome scrapbook desk at The EZ desk Giveaway vote for it if you have a minute!! :)
I blog stalked and found your blog off Tucker's! Congrats on your new baby!
Kristy Shepherd
The family pictures are great and both your boys are very handsome. Thanks for the mini golf...we'll have to do it again soon.
Congratulations on the cute little addition!
I want an update!!! Please post soon. :)
What a sweet baby! I can't wait to meet him!
What a cute little family you guys have! Hope all is going well for you I love ya!!
He's such a cute babe! I'm really happy for you guys! As for your pants - you look great already. Thanks for keeping in touch!
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