So, I got a new camera for Christmas, and it's taken me quite a while to figure out how to do ANYTHING!!! So, here are some pictures from Christmas. I'm still trying to figure out photoshop and aperture and all the fun programs that you get to use when editing your pictures. So, bear with me, and I promise I'll get better. :)

Grady, Christmas morning...

It was our first Christmas alone, and it was so much fun being able to give Ayden all our attention. He was so much fun watching unwrap a present and then be ready for the next 30 seconds later.

Isn't my niece Afton so dang cute?!

Opening presents at Grandma and Papa Parkers

Parker loved the wrapping paper more than the presents!

Parker's new chair!

The kids had a blast playing in the paper after the madness!

We went up to the Jorgensen cabin the day after Christmas, and man was there a ton of snow! It's always so beautiful!!

Ayden and his stupid gloves... next year he will have gloves that stay on his hands.

Mandy and Luke playing in the snow!

Ayden was a HUGE fan of the snowmobiles!

Lukey! What a sweetheart!

Dad pullin Ayden in the snow.

Ayden would have stayed out all day if we let him.

Papa and Ayden on the snowmobile. (or bike as Ayden calls them)

My adorable and sweetheart mom who took care of me all weekend while I was sick.

Gavin and Luke
I HATE kids gloves, they never stay on! I can't believe how big Parker is! And I am so excited for you to learn all about your camera! If you ever needs "subjects" to practice on, my kids are available!
Hey Cutie! I'm so excited for you to get a new camera! Isn't it fun? I've been having a hayday with mine. You took some great pictures. Looks like you guys had so much fun at the cabin. We need to hook up so we're up there the same time as you guys sometime. How are you feeling anyway? Love ya!
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