So, we celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday! I know! 5 years! REALLY?! It's crazy to think of, but it's true. So, you saw our present to each other. Our beautiful new computer! Yay! The only problem has been getting Grady off of it! I used to have the old one completely to myself, but now, Grady wants to use it all the time and I have to fight him for it. That's going to take some getting used to.
I could do a whole blog post about how much I love my husband and how grateful I am for him, but I already told him. :) So, I'll just let you all know that we had a great night! We're doing really well and are "trying" to enjoy every minute of our fast pace, crazy lives!
Also, I went to the Dr. yesterday and they realized that I'm measuring like I'm 27 weeks, so they moved my due date back to the 12th! YAY! I so wanted to say "I told you so!" But, I was able to refrain. Also, thankfully I do not have a hernia! I was having crazy pain in my stomach last week and a little this, but not bad. I called and they said I gave myself a hernia. But, after an examination. I don't! That's one less surgery I'll have to go through after having the baby. It turns out I just stressed something and possibly pulled something. So, 2 VERY good news updates from our Dr. apt.
We are so glad to hear you don't have a hernia...happy anniversary!
Happy 5th Anniversary! Wow! Good to hear you don't have a hernia. Slow down & take care of yourself, k?
hey you i found you! happy anniversary!
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