
Snoop Dogg is fo the B of M!

So, apparently according to this Snoop Dogg is Mormon!?!
I'm sure most of you, if not all have heard about it by now and know it was an April Fools joke. What I'm curious about, is who believed it? And, how did you hear about it? People have pretty funny stories, and I'm dying to hear them!


michellecluff said...

Funny thing about this thing you sent me...last year, or a few years back, not really sure, when you sent me a thing on April Fools about Tupac being alive still...perhaps I believed it (without noticing the date of course) and my family still won't let me for get about it... Thanks for that one Stoner! I was smarter this year though :)

Kristy Stoner said...

Oh, the Tupac one! You shouldn't feel bad about believing that. People all over the WORLD did! They had over a million hits on the website within a week!

Jessica said...

I believed this, but realized quickly that there was no evidence to back it up. I need to be more skeptical; I fell for a couple of fake coupons too!

Shelly & Danny said...

Oh don't worry, Danny fell for it hard. He was going for a good 2 hours at work. I didn't fall for it, for the sole fact that it was posted on April Fools. No way. He emailed it too like a ton of his friends and then emailed a retraction when he found out it was fake. So funny. No everytime we hear Snoop mentioned we always say, Hey, did you know Snoop was Mormon? :) P.S. Look at his fingers in the picture, has one too many.

Kristy Stoner said...

Oh, my gosh! He does have one too many fingers! That's hysterical! I'm glad Danny fell for it! That's what makes these jokes so much fun! It's no fun if no one believes them.