
Oops... I got tagged! :)

Sorry! I'm so slow with catching these! So, here's what it is:

This is a book tag. In the book you are currently reading, or one of your favorite books, turn to page 123 and post the 5th sentence on that page. Then tag 5 people.

(I actually finished reading it yesterday, but I'll let it count anyway)

It's kind of random, oh well...

"I need something that won't attract attention."

It was a good book and it's all action, action, action, in case you like that. Apparently the author wrote the book Sahara is based off of.

I now tag: my sister-in-law Ashley, and my sister Amanda. Since they always are reading a good book.


Lindsey Walker said...

Oh I love to read, I will have to check that book out!

Lindsey Walker said...

Oh I love to read, I will have to check that book out!